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Top 10 destinations for 2018

Overtourism has been making the headlines in the past few years. Many countries and cities like Croatia, Barcelona, Venice and Iceland made the news for struggling to find a balance between tourists and locals. So much so that top 10s of places NOT to go to have popped up lately. Here, at Globe Spots, we always thrived in encouraging you to discover not so known, off-the-beaten-track, places. After all, our tag line "Places you probably wanna travel to" has always been there to invite you to consider other options. But this year, we're making an additional effort by putting in our Top 10 a stronger emphasis on under visited places. To achieve that goal, we're opening this Top 10 to regions as well as countries. The world has so much to offer, and people in popular destinations deserve a little break. Pack your bags, here's our 2018 Top 10.
Classic travel for great sights and convenient travel.
Adventurous places for those who are going above and beyond, seeking out the best travel.
Hardcore places for those who are willing to travel anywhere just for the buzz.